お二人の想いを実現させるオーダータキシード。こだわった想いをスーツとしてリフォーム オーダータキシードコンシェルジュ

  A様 「It was a perfect wedding and we had a great time in Hawaii.」
ホーム > 結婚式衣装をお作りいただいた新郎様からの声 > A様 「It was a perfect wedding and we had a great time in Hawaii.」

A様 「It was a perfect wedding and we had a great time in Hawaii.」

Dear Matsu-san,

Thank you for the suit. It was a perfect wedding and we had a great time in Hawaii.

The beach wedding was impressive. Here are some pictures now.

Enjoy! Arigatou.(A様)

オーダータキシード お問い合わせフォーム